About Us

Company Overview
WE ARE YOUR WINNING SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR BUSINESSES. PT Hesindo Sumber Kimia focuses on being the leading trading company for electroplating business. We are the experts for chemical, equipment, metal, and services all related to electroplating and we are ready to assist our customers for anything related to plating.
All of our products are provided from world-class suppliers under strict quality control and accredited quality assurance system.
The chemistry behind these products are in accordance with worldwide industry and environmental standards, using only the finest raw materials and processes. We supply products services through our specially trained people providing you with superior knowledge, experience, and technical support.
Our Engineering Service Department with the latest Test Equipment carries out general In-House Repairs in addition to On-Site Maintenance to ensure shorter turn around time and to keep punctual distributions.
Becoming the leading chemical and equipment supplier for surface treatment and finishing by meeting customer needs and giving the best products and services through our skilled staff.
To become a multi-national company with global recognition and to provide our customers with products from world-wide brands under strict quality control and accredited quality assurance system.
We are committed to the development of our staff. Our people are our greatest asset and through increasing and developing individuals skills and maintaining relationships with customers and suppliers to achieve a successful winning partnership.Content
Our Statistics
Years of Experience
Our Customers
Our Products
Our Brands
Our Principal