Affetti has a wide range of pumps from corrosive chemical fiberglass pumps, fiberglass pumps for salt water, and other variants for any kind of industries starting from automotive, aquariums, sanitizers, and other factories.
PT Elang Karunia has been a distributor of Affetti since 2015, Our team have an extensive knowledge and will be able to advice you on what you and your factories need.
Fybroc® is the world leader in the design and manufacture of Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer (FRP). These pumps are available in different materials to provide corrosion resistance for pumping acids, brines, caustics, bleaches, solvents, seawater, and a wide range of waste liquids. Fiberglass centrifugal pumps offer excellent corrosion resistance without having to use costly and volatile exotic metals.
PT Elang Karunia has been a partner and distributor for more than 20 years, you can be assured with our knowledge and service in the field.
Mefiag Filtration brand is a world leader in the development, manufacture and supply of corrosion-resistant filters and pumps used primarily in the plating, anodizing, and metal finishing industries.
PT Elang Karunia has been a distributor and partner of Mefiag since 2000, Our team have an extensive knowledge and will be able to advice you on what you and your factories need.
Dosatron Technology to dose a liquid or soluble concentrated into water, acid for example, and prepare an 'aqueous solution', or even dose and mix other liquids.
PT Elang Karunia has been a distributor of Dosatron since 2012 and has handled many customers, starting from enquiry, installation, to service.
Boyser is a specialist in the manufacturing and commercialization of industrial pumps for fluids.
PT Elang Karunia has been a distributor of SANREX since 2000 and has handled over more than 100 customer from enquiry, installation, to service.
Our products range from innovative power semiconductors and power supplies with technological advancements suited for energy efficiency.
Kraft Powercon
PT Elang Karunia has been a distributor of KraftPowercon since 2018 and has handled many customers, from plating industries to aerospace. We offer consultation, installation and even services.
KraftPowercon offers solutions, products, services – and drives innovation – within industrial power conversion. We are active in areas such as Electrolysis & Hydrogen, Air Pollution Control/ESP, Marine, PCB & Semiconductors, General Metal Finishing and Uninterruptible Power Systems.
Elka Water PTH
PTH stands for Protection against Total Hardness. ELKA Water PTH is a technology solution to break limescales and rust in pipes for any industries from domestic to industrial to agriculture. PT Elang Karunia offer consultation to installation and service for Elka Water PTH.